
Theraband FlexBar

This is the “Old Reliable” of elbow rehab equipment. It’s been a standard in physical therapy for tennis elbow for years. If you have golfer’s elbow or tennis elbow, this rehab equipment is where I would start.


Amazon Reviews

Number of Reviews: 200 +
4 or 5 Stars:  Better Than 90%
1 Star: Less than 5% – most of these are because of shipping issues or because they did not get relief.


This is exactly what physical therapists use in their own office for tennis elbow treatment.  It is durable and effective.  In fact, its been proven effective ( ) in scientific studies.  It also quite durable; you won’t have to worry about breaking this.


It is more a bit more expensive than some of these other products. And it’s larger and not as portable as some other options.  Finally, some have a hard time understanding the exercise.  But instructions are available on their website here:


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