Month: October 2019

trochanteric bursitis surgery, arthroscopic trochanteric bursectomy

The REAL Cause of Trochanteric Bursitis (And What You Can Do About It)

What is trochanteric bursitis? Trochanteric bursitis is a common cause of hip pain.  Trochanteric bursitis is traditionally described as an inflammation of the bursa at the lateral side of the hip.  Pain is usually over the bony point of the hip known as the greater trochanter.  Most physicians will tell you that simply relieving the […]

shoulder stretching

Six Simple Ways to Protect Your Shoulder While Exercising

Your shoulders are some of the most mobile joints you have.  But with that freedom of motion comes a higher risk of injury.  That’s why shoulder injuries are one of the most common problems treated by myself and other orthopedic surgeons.  Which is why I’ve written this post, to help all of you in your […]

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