Category: Functional Fitness

busy mom workout

The Busy Mom Workout

One of the hardest things about getting in shape is simply finding the time to do it! Most of our lives are packed with activity from the time the alarm goes off until we drop into bed. Finding the time to drive across town and spend an hour at the gym can be nearly impossible. […]

move better feel better

Move Better Feel Better: Stop Daily Activities From Hurting Your Joints

Move Better, Feel Better.  It’s a simple mantra but it’s one I believe in.  And I’ve seen first hand how this simple idea has helped thousands of my patients. Do you have pain in your knees?  Does arthritis stop you from doing simple things?  Does shoulder pain keep you up at night?  Well, then this […]

New year new you

New Year New You: How to Succeed in Your Fitness Goals

New Year New You Resolutions are about as American as apple pie (mmmm, pie). Many of us resolve to abstain from that pie or join a gym or go to the gym more. Thousands flock to gyms in January, and you might be heading there, too. This is a great first step to a healthier […]

100 Exercises to Make Your Workout Fun Again!

Have you been stuck in a fitness rut?  Finding yourself bored with the repetitive workouts you’ve found on Pinterest or Instagram?  Maybe you are a coach or personal trainer that needs new exercises to keep the workouts fresh.  Or maybe you work out at home and you’re just looking for some variety in your normal […]

How to Be a Better Coach

How to Be a Better Coach

How to be a Successful Coach I’ve been a coach in some capacity for the last decade of my life.  While I would never claim to be an absolute expert on the topic, I’ve picked a few things up along the way.  One of my favorite things to do is to help new coaches improve […]

CrossFit Injury, sling after rotator cuff surgery

Are HIIT Gyms Dangerous?

One of the most frustrating things about treating patients is their resistance to exercise.  It’s even harder to accomplish our goal of keeping people active when their friends, family, and even their own family doctors tell them the popular High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts are too dangerous.  Everyone is worried about a WOD injury.  In […]

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