Tag: Recovery

Active Recovery with Yoga

Rest, Recover, Rebuild: The Importance of Rest Days for the Athlete

How to Do a “Rest Day” The Right Way We’ve all heard about the importance of rest days when it comes to recovering from workouts.  Some of you may know this and ignore the advice – pushing yourself until an injury forces you to take a break.  Science shows exercise is good for you.  Conditioning […]


Why Do Workouts Cause Sore Muscles?

Why Do Hard Workouts Make You So Sore? Vigorous exercise will give you sore muscles, no secret there.  Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, also known as DOMS, is a fact of life when embarking upon any new exercise program. And with so many new gyms focusing on high-intensity interval training (HIIT), people are experiencing a whole […]

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