Category: Injury Prevention and Rehab

dumbbell overhead press, overhead press form, overhead press, overhead press shoulder pain

Fix Your Overhead Press and Stop Shoulder Pain

If you are looking to stop shoulder pain when doing an overhead press, you’ve come to the right place.  Shoulder press pain is very common, and so are the causes.  I see way too many people at the gym who don’t know the proper positioning for overhead press. Somewhere along the line, they got bad advice […]

hip pain while rowing, hip hurts when rowing

The Easy Way to Stop Hip Pain while Rowing

Rowing is a fantastic full-body exercise. And it’s widely incorporated into the workouts of many affiliates and independent gyms due to its combination of strength and cardiovascular training. Of course, like any intense exercise some people love it, some people hate it, and some just love to hate. But no matter whether they love rowing […]

what is tendinitis

What is Tendinitis?

What is Tendinitis? Tendinitis is a very common problem.  Tens of thousands of people develop tendinitis every year.  Nearly everyone will experience tendinitis at some point in their lives.  But just like every post here on LSO, this is specifically directed toward the functional fitness and cross-training population.  We want to show you how to […]

Deep Core Activation Exercises

Four for the Core: Deep Core Activation Exercises

In this week’s article, we are bringing you four basic exercises as a starting point to get your core in shape.  These four exercises provide the foundation for core stability and are essential to master so that you can build into better strength later.  Even the strongest wall will collapse if it’s built on sand, […]

PRP: Can It Help You?

PRP injection is a treatment that’s gotten a lot of hype lately.  It is one of the most widely sought-after treatment by NFL players, and it’s made its way out to the Weekend Warrior population as well.  As a result, I get a lot of patients asking whether it can be helpful for their problems […]

Functional Mobility Assessment

Coaches’ Corner: Using a Functional Mobility Assessment

It’s 2018, and the functional fitness coaching community has come a long way in the last 15-20 years.  Those that were in it to own a gym simply to have their own playground have been weeded out. Or, if they haven’t, it’s because they hired someone who knows how to coach.  These days, a good […]

No Pain, All Gain: Preventing Shoulder Pain While Lifting

Shoulder pain when lifting sucks!  You are just trying to stay healthy, but your body seems to have other ideas.  Suddenly all your dreams of weight loss and healthy living seem to hang precariously on one stupid, petulant shoulder that can’t just exercise like its supposed to.  It has to complain.  Loudly.  And often during […]

exercises for shoulder pain

Easy Exercises For Shoulder Pain

Exercises for Shoulder Pain: Prevention and Treatment A painful shoulder can be very disabling. The good news is that shoulder pain is usually preventable and easily treated.  Dr. Larson is a shoulder specialist and has fixed thousands of them in the operating room.  But he’d rather have you healthy and living pain-free with the proper […]

Repairing a tear in the rotator cuff

What Is the Rotator Cuff?

Many people have heard the term “rotator cuff.”  But what is the Rotator Cuff?  And why do we worry about it so much?  The rotator cuff is a common source of shoulder pain for a large percentage of the population. While many people develop rotator cuff tears without any specific injury, high-intensity interval training puts […]

How To Foam Roll Your Glutes

8 Simple Foam Roller Exercises

How Do I Use a Foam Roller? Using a Foam Roller is easy!  When doing any foam roller exercises, there are just a few key things to remember.  Foam Rollers come in different density, or firmness.  Select one that is as firm as you can use with only mild discomfort.  This is supposed to feel […]

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