Jess Bateman

corrective exercise specialist

Jess Bateman



Jess Bateman has combined a knowledge of Orthopedics and injury prevention to benefit many athletes in the world of functional fitness and weightlifting. She herself has both competed at a national level in Olympic Weightlifting and spent the last five years coaching Senior and Youth athletes, as well as having obtained a USAW-SPC credential.


She holds a CF-L1 Trainer certificate. She has also worked with Dr. Larson in the Orthopedic clinic setting and learned a great deal about corrective exercise in the process. This has allowed her to help bridge the gap between fitness and medicine and improved her ability to program effectively by recognizing risk factors for certain sports injuries and addressing them.


Now it is her mission to help other coaches and personal trainers to do the same. While no injury is 100% preventable, coaches have the ability to be proactive rather than reactive in these situations. This knowledge also helps recognize when a client’s movement pattern is outside the scope of practice for trainers and coaches or when pain is present in the client’s movement. Coaches and trainers are better prepared to then refer to a medical provider for detailed evaluation and treatment of these problems, helping the client get back to the gym faster.

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